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Our organization is composed of experienced Instructors and individuals in the process of becoming Instructors-in-Training, all contributing to the delivery of our comprehensive medical training programs. We are currently in search of additional qualified instructors.

If you are interested in joining, please contact us via email at

Course Instructors (EMS Professionals 18+)

Course Instructors are fully fledged instructors who can independently teach and certify portions of the course, and are ideally individuals who bring emergency medical experience to the training team. Assistant Instructors can also work their way up to becoming a Course Instructor provided they meet all the training requirements.

Assistant Instructors (Volunteers 18+)

Assistant Instructors are adult positions ideal for volunteers who have served as Training Assistants in the past and who would like to continue to assist with the training program, and who would also like to step up to a higher level of responsibility within the training team. They can help teach certain components of training courses including skills sessions under the instruction and supervision of a Course Instructor.

Training Assistants (Teens 13-17)

Training Assistants are entry level positions ideal for teens with an interest in the medical field and who would like to work with and help teach their fellow youth. Depending on their skill levels they can assist with teaching skills stations, and are also extremely valuable for assisting with scenario preparations and clean-up.


Course Instructor Prerequisites (EMS Professionals)


Assistant Instructor Prerequisites (Volunteers 18+)

Training Assistant Prerequisites (Teens 13-17)